“Thanks for all the helpful information you shared for the three day seminar at SOTC. You have a great gift of not only knowing the exercises fluently but you can also present that information in a meaningful way to your students and correct the problems they might encounter."

These are some unsolicited comments sent to me by previous RCO seminar attendees. I always welcome comments and suggestions for improvement.
“I just want to thank you for a wonderful seminar. It was the most informative, concise, helpful, innovative, motivating seminar I have been to in years."

“Her efficiency in beginning and ending the seminar on time, addressing everyone's concerns that they sent her prior to the weekend as well as concerns that occurred to them during the seminar made each person attending feel her concern and respect for them. No matter how elementary or technical trainers' problems might have been, Laura took them seriously and offered solutions that were sincere and well thought out."

“Your handouts were extremely helpful at the seminar, but also for later reference when practicing at home or elsewhere."

“There was an unusually excellent atmosphere at this seminar. From a personal standpoint, I felt throughout the weekend as if Laura was talking directly to me about [my dog]. Of course, that was not the case, but you get the point................:~)"

“WOW.....well worth the money the club spent as well as what I spent to attend the seminar!! I am exhausted - not only from all the prep work but also with all that I learned! I have about ten pages of notes, plus what I learned out on the floor working with my dog. The folks who attended are already asking if she'll be back next year - and that answer is a HUGE yes!!!!! "

““Wanted to thank you for a really nice seminar. Good, strong principles of training, good discussion and effective problem solving. Good presentation, handouts and you kept everyone's attention. I heard a lot of what I teach in your philosophy. Your presentation on ring fear and sports psychology was very poignant. After 40+ years of attending seminars and teaching, there is not a lot that I have not seen. But you reinforced many things I believe in and gave me several things to think about. "

Laura is available to present a seminar for your club or group! All seminars are completely customized from an ala carte menu of teaching units which includes all the skills from Foundations through Utility, plus other relevant topics, such as attention, learning theory, ring transition, the handler mental game. Click here to see a document which describes how RCO seminars are structured, and provides more information about the menu of topics that your group can choose from to create your ideal seminar. Contact Laura directly (contact info is at the bottom of the page) for availability, additionial information, or scheduling.

2018 Seminars
Bay City, MI
June 16, 2018 (C-WAGS workshop)
FMI: Kristine Felske
Harrisonburg, VA
August 11-12, 2018
FMI: ObedSeminar@commonwealthdogtraining.com
Lansing, MI
July 28, 2018 (Learning theory)
FMI: Roxann Wilkinson